We felt the need to share our business manifesto, the set of values we choose to follow, to give you a better idea of who we are as individuals. These are the 8 commandments that guide our actions on a daily basis.

Why we do

Why we

what we

We felt  the need to share our business manifesto, the set of values   we choose to follow, to give you  a better idea of who we are as individuals. These are the eight   commandments that guide our   actions on a daily basis.

We love our clients

We genuinely love and admire the creators we work with. Whether they make us laugh after a long day, or teach us new skills, they make our lives better. It is this love that made us start Jelly, and it is this love that makes us work harder for them every day.

We believe the following
experience can be better

As followers, we have experienced the limitations of the conventional follower-creator relationship. We believe and are here to prove that a more personal relationship where incredible and exciting experiences take place is possible.

Our job is to make
your life easier

Sure, if we are working together on a project we have a clear goal in mind, but that does not limit us from giving the extra mile. We want to be able to provide whatever you may need from us.

Your success is the
only compass

Sometimes, what's best for you will not necessarily be the best for us. When a situation like this emerges, we will choose your side over ours to build long-term trust.

We recognize the ethical and social dimension of technology

We recognize
the ethical and social
dimension of

We are advocates for technology that aims to empower humans and their life's, not make them addicted and glued to a screen. We support the Center for Humane Technology, and will always try to act in accordance to the principles for technologists set up by them.

First, we listen.

Before suggesting anything, we want to hear what you have to say. You know your needs the best and we can only build on top of that.

Less is more

We value quality over quantity. We choose to work with a selected group of people to make sure we can provide an excellent service to each one of them.

We know we are
not perfect

No company in history thus far was successful in keeping all of its promises at all times. We are unlikely to be first. We recognize that we, just like everybody else, make mistakes - and vow to be transparent about them and grow through them.

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